Wednesday, April 07, 2004

A long day's Journey

On the Caddyshack DVD there are, among other goodies, interviews with cast members, and one interview subject is Cindy Morgan who, you'll recall, plays Lacey Underall, Ted Knight's sexually adventurous niece. Morgan observes with some exhaustion that she seems only to star in cult films. I assume this is a reference to her starring role a couple of years later in Disney's computer-animated freakout Tron.

With that in mind, I want to observe that both Caddyshack and Tron feature Journey music prominently. Tron, Caddyshack, Cindy Morgan, Journey. Connect the dots.

Since making my short, shameful confession the other day that Journey was sounding good to me, I've listened to lots more Journey, and it still sounds good to me. I've also been using MAME to play the Journey arcade game, featuring digitized, emotive heads of Journey members--quite advanced for 1983. But how could it not be? It's Journey.

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