Sunday, December 14, 2003

Blue woman grope

I started to blog about this story I saw on "Celebrity Justice" last week: it seems actor Tom Skerritt sued an herbal-supplements company for using his image in an ad for some sort of virility-enhancing concoction. Skerritt and the company, Body Basics, reached an agreement, and the ads will run no more. The short web search I did revealed that this story is, in fact, months old, so just when you thought it couldn't be more irrelevant, it is.

Except that I am obsessed with the ad in question, and I wanted to share it with you. But although "CJ" flashed it again and again, I can't find it on the web anywhere! It shows Skerritt's head clumsily stuck on top of a ripped man's body, and he has his arms around a creature that is female and humanoid in shape, and lithe, but also bald and bright blue. It's an alien, right, except not a horrifying reptile alien like the one that kills Skerritt in the film Alien, but more like the late Persis Khambatta in the first "Star Trek" movie. You know, a hot, bald alien chick. But blue.

The strange coda to the story is that, as "CJ" co-host Holly Herbert reported, Body Basics explained the gaffe by saying the designer of the ad doesn't speak English and didn't know who Skerritt is.

I can't stop thinking about the ad. It's one of the most absurd, hysterical things I've ever seen. Please find it for me.

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