Thursday, April 29, 2004

Nice to be back

At the Slipper Club last night I played my first show since the Action Wisconsin benefit in February, and it was good to be up there! After the demise of El Segundo and #1 Dad last December, I was feeling a bit blah about live music, wondering if it is more trouble than it's worth. But yesterday's gig reminded me that when a show is going well and the room has a warm, friendly vibe, there's really nothing I'd rather be doing.

I also learned--to my immense surprise--that in my months away from the game, show business hasn't changed. That's why I'd like to offer aspiring performers some advice, and also a simple truism. The truism first: for the entertainer, at least half of entertainment is sitting around and waiting. I used to fight this, but now I accept it.

And the advice: eat dinner before sound check. You may think you'll have enough time for food after sound check, but odds are something will go wrong, and you won't. (I did have a bite after sound check (Ereck worries about me), but it wasn't leisurely.)

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