Friday, July 23, 2004

Editorial comment

Evidently someone who works at the Middleton public library is not a Republican.

I started to read Ron Suskind's The Price of Loyalty, which is about former treasury secretary Paul O'Neill, a relatively early defector from the Bush administration. But then I figured: Why do I need to read this? Is it going to make me think differently? Is it going to make me vote differently? No, and no. There is one major party I've always voted for in presidential races, and that's not going to change this year.

I've borrowed a number of books like this one from the library, including the tomes by Richard Clarke and Joseph Wilson. I haven't been able to bring myself to actually read any of them. Like the subjects of this Onion story, I'm really so tired of it all. Tired of Bush, but also tired of Bush bashing. Tired of all the negativity.

Whatever happens this November, I suspect things will be OK. You know? Even if it's not OK, it will be OK. And that's OK.

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