Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Phun phact

Did you know Alexander Hamilton was illegitimate? His parents were not married. He was known to deny this. That's all I gleaned from Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton, though I hoped to learn more.

Let me explain. The night before last, I finished a book. That's always a satisfying feeling. Then I gazed at the stack from the library to see what was next. The Chernow beckoned, all 738 pages of it, so I happily snuggled up at bedtime with a Founding Father. People--OK, op-ed columnists--can't stop talking about this book, and I was curious to see for myself whether it is all that.

Just to be safe, yesterday I checked my account on the public library's web site to see when the book is due. Answer: today. And someone has recalled it, so I can't keep it. I'll have to wait till another time to learn more about Hamilton's bastardy.

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